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Probiotic: The Complete Guide to Gut Health Supplements

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Probiotic: The Complete Guide to Gut Health Supplements

Whether or not you're a health nut, you've probably heard the term probiotics before. They're the “good bacteria” that live in your gut and help keep your digestion running smoothly.1

But did you know that taking a daily probiotics supplement can offer even more benefits beyond just a happy tummy? These microscopic little helpers are all the rage in the health world and for good reason. But what are they exactly?

What are Probiotics?

 Probiotics live microorganisms (think bacteria and yeasts) that live in your gut and support overall health. You can consume them through a VitaRx dietary supplement or through certain types of food, like yogurt or sauerkraut. Throughout this article, you're going to discover why this bacteria is a powerhouse addition to your daily wellness routine.

How do Probiotics work?

The gut microbiome is a delicate little ecosystem in your body made up of trillions of microbes, and probiotics basically help keep that system in balance. They do this by colonizing the gut with helpful bacteria. These helpful bacteria crowd out harmful microbes like protozoa and bad bacteria that can cause health problems like irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease1.

Why you need Probiotics

If you've been feeling bloated, lethargic, or simply out of sorts, it might be time to start thinking about your gut health. That's where probiotics come into play! All of these good bacteria can help balance the microbiota (all the microorganisms in your gut) and support your overall health. From your digestion to your immune system, there are all sorts of benefits you can gain from introducing more bacteria into your gut2.

Can your body produce Probiotics?

Well, the answer is a bit of a mixed bag. Your body does have a natural microbiome, which is a community of bacteria and other microorganisms that live in your gut and other parts of your body. Some of these bacteria are indeed probiotics, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. The quantity and diversity of these probiotics  vary from person to person and depends on things like genetics, diet, lifestyle, and exposure to antibiotics and other drugs.

With that said, you may want to check out VitaRx dietary supplements. Our vitamins are expertly formulated with high-quality ingredients to ensure maximum effectiveness. Plus, daily use can improve your health and keep your body regulated and running at its best.

What are some signs of deficiency?

Probiotics themselves don't cause any deficiencies. It's definitely possible not to have enough of these powerhouse gut bacteria in your system and the consequences could be more serious than you think. If bad bacteria grows in your gut microbiome, you may experience certain issues and conditions like 3:

  • Bloating and gas
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea

What causes Probiotics deficiency?

When you don't have enough good bacteria, your gut microbiome experiences an imbalance. For example, a diet high in sugar, processed foods, or unhealthy fats can throw off the delicate balance of your microbiome. Similarly, taking antibiotics can wipe out both good and bad bacteria in your gut, leaving room for harmful organisms to take over. Stress, lack of sleep, and even environmental factors like pollution can also contribute to a microbial imbalance in your gut.4

Certain factors can also cause your body to be deficient in probiotics. Taking certain medications like antacids or birth control pills, as well as having certain health conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, can all impact your microbiome. If you think you might be lacking in the probiotic department, it's always a good idea to check in with your healthcare provider. Taking a probiotics supplement offered by VitaRx can also help improve your health. Just one of our capsules can introduce 10 strains of healthy gut bacteria to your system!

What are the benefits of Probiotics?

Whether you're using a probiotic to help with immune system function or trying to manage your digestive issues, there are many reasons why you may want to consider improving your microbiome. Here are some of the reasons you should incorporate a probiotic into your wellness routine 5:

  • Reduces bloating and digestive discomfort
  • Prevents skin inflammation and dermatitis
  • Improves mood
  • Boosts immune function

And thanks to VitaRx, you can now add the best probiotic supplement to your personalized daily vitamin pack. Check out our high-quality capsules and kickstart better digestive health, skin, and mood by adding them to your wellness routine.

What's the recommended Probiotics dosage?

There is no set dosage for probiotic supplements. This is because there are different types of probiotic bacteria, and some are dosed by the number of live organisms that they contain. Typically, the dosage is indicated by colony-forming units (CFUs) 6.

Dosage per age group

A general recommendation from the Cleveland Clinic states that adults should choose products with at least 1 billion CFU (colony-forming units) that contain Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Bacillus, or Saccharomyces boulardii to take daily 7.

Who should take it?

This dietary supplement can be taken by young children, healthy adults, as well as older adults that want an extra boost in overall health 2. It's great for elderly people who are most likely to take the probiotic for digestion and a boost in immune function. Those who want to benefit from nutrient synthesis and absorption may also want to consider taking a probiotic daily 8. Consult your healthcare provider before you start incorporating this into your healthy diet.

Who should not take it?

If you have issues with your immune system or tend to experience allergic reactions, it's best that you avoid taking probiotics. This is also true for those who have had surgery or are critically ill 9. Probiotics should not be taken if you have been diagnosed with SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, as adding more bacteria could be harmful and cause unwanted negative health effects like gas, bloating, and constipation. Pregnant or nursing woman should also speak to their doctor before adding any supplements to their diet.

How much is too much? (Probiotics overdose)

According to the National Institute of Health, a high CFU count (beyond 10 billion CFUs) does not necessarily improve the product’s health effects 1.1 Taking too many probiotics does not necessarily cause an overdose, but it may cause digestive problems. Make sure to take the right amount according to your healthcare provider. .

Source of Probiotics


Lucky for us, all kinds of friendly bacteria can be found in some of our favorite foods! First up, some of the most popular probiotic foods include kimchi, sauerkraut, and kefir. Kimchi, a spicy Korean dish made from fermented cabbage, is not only delicious but also rich in healthy bacteria. Sauerkraut, a German staple made from fermented cabbage, is another great source. And for all you dairy lovers out there, kefir is a fermented milk drink that is both tangy and full of probiotics. There are also these common sources of probiotics2 :

  • Yogurt
  • Sourdough bread
  • Buttermilk
  • Kombucha
  • Tempeh
  • Pickles
  • Miso soup


We totally understand if you're not a fan of food where fermentation is involved. Don't worry, you can also get adequate amounts of different strains of bacteria from supplements.

If you're in the market for a quality probiotic supplement, you can count on us! Here at VitaRx, we offer a selection of health products that are made to help you reach your health goals. Plus, our daily vitamin packs are personalized to your health needs, making it easier for you to get a healthy dose of vitamins (and live bacteria!) into your diet.

What to look for in nutrition supplements

When it comes to choosing the right dietary supplements, there are a few things you'll want to consider like the dose, delivery method, quality, and manufacturing. Let's take a look at these factors below!

Dosage and Potency

If you want the full health benefits of probiotics while avoiding potential side effects, taking the right dose is essential. The suggested dose depends on your age, sex, weight, and general health status. Too much could lead to side effects like digestive issues and gastrointestinal distress. Taking too little may not provide your desired results. That's why it's important you choose a reputable brand and consult a professional to help you achieve your health goals.

Quantity and Delivery Method

When you buy too much at one time, it can lead to unnecessary waste. If you buy too little, it may not be enough or could end up costing more. It’s important you have an adequate supply of probiotics to achieve your desired results and avoid racing against an expiration date. Apart from the amount, you should also choose a delivery method that makes a healthy lifestyle easy and attainable. We think that the use of Probiotics is best in capsule form because it's easy to swallow along with other vitamins.

Quality and Manufacturing

High-quality probiotic products are made with raw, organic ingredients. You want to find the best probiotic supplements, make sure they meet the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) requirements.

Why VitaRx

Reason 1 Dosage / Potency

VitaRx's supplements are specially formulated to provide the right dosage. We use high-quality ingredients and strict manufacturing standards to ensure that each dose contains the optimal active ingredients for maximum effectiveness.

Reason 2 Quantity / Delivery Method

VitaRx offers daily supplement packs, so you never have to worry about overspending on a large bottle or keeping track of the expiration dates again. And many oof our dietary supplements are in tablets and soft gel form, which are more convenient for traveling, than powders or liquids, as they can fit easily in a purse or bag.

Reason 3 Quality / Manufacturing

All VitaRx dietary supplements are manufactured in the US and tested by third parties. All products are manufactured using the FDA’s Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs); All our organic products are certified by Organic Assurance International (QAI). And all organic products comply with the National Organic Program (NOP).

Probiotics FAQ

What are the signs you need a Probiotics supplement?

If you suffer from diarrhea, bloating, gas, chronic infections, or any other digestive irregularity, you may want to speak to your doctor about taking probiotics.

When is the best time to take Probiotics?

It doesn't matter if you take a probiotic supplement in the morning or at night. What matters most is being consistent! Just like anything health-related, consistency is key. Some studies also show that live bacteria survive best when taken up to 30 minutes before a meal 10.

How to store Probiotics?

First things first, check the label. Some products actually do better at room temperature, while others need to be chilled. It's all about those living cultures, and keeping them alive and well. If you've got a probiotic product that needs refrigeration, make sure it's kept nice and cool. Keep it away from the door, which can fluctuate in temperature. There are also plenty of shelf-stable options.

Is it okay to take Probiotics every day?

The answer to that is a resounding yes! Our bodies are constantly exposed to various types of bacteria, both good and bad. And taking a probiotic every day simply helps replenish the good bacteria that may be lost or depleted due to certain factors like stress, poor diet, or even antibiotics. Just make sure to choose a high-quality vitamin and speak to your doctor before adding it to your daily regimen.

How long does it take for Probiotics to start working?

According to WebMD, it can take a few weeks for most supplements to take effect and boost your digestive health and improve your immune function.

What food is highest in Probiotic microorganisms?

Fermented foods are your best bet. Think yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, tempeh, and good old-fashioned pickles. These foods are made by a process of lacto-fermentation, which creates an environment where beneficial probiotic microorganisms can thrive.

Does drinking coffee affect Probiotics?

There are some possible interactions when taking Probiotic products with coffee. This is because heat above 115 degrees can kill Probiotic bacteria 12. It's best to avoid hot drinks to ensure the positive effect of Probiotics.

Are Prebiotics the same as Probiotics?

While they might sound the same, they aren't! Prebiotics refer to fiber or any non-digestible food components that are meant to stimulate the growth of good bacteria. When you consume fiber, or Prebiotics, it helps feed the microorganisms in the body. Probiotics are the good bacteria itself and prebiotics are what feed the probiotics 5.


Probiotic supplements pack a punch when it comes to supporting your gut health and overall well-being. They play a crucial role in keeping your immune system strong and even support mental health. A probiotic supplement also improves mood. While you could certainly get your healthy bacteria from foods like yogurt and sauerkraut, taking probiotic supplements ensure you're getting a concentrated dose of these beneficial bugs!

At VitaRx, we only ever choose the most high-quality products to ensure your digestive system is in tip-top shape! Plus, our customizable, daily vitamin packs are delivered straight to your door. So, go ahead, give your gut the love it deserves, and add a Probiotic supplement to your daily routine. Your body will thank you!

Key takeaways

  • Probiotics refer to the friendly bacteria that live in your gut and help keep your digestion running smoothly.
  • Your body can produce its own community of bacteria and other microorganisms but the quantity differs from person to person.
  • When your gut bacteria is imbalanced, you're more likely to experience digestive issues like gas, bloating, indigestion, and constipation.
  • The most commonly known benefits of probiotic administration include a healthier digestive system, a balanced mood, a stronger immune system, and a significant reduction in health problems.
  • Young children, healthy adults, and older adults who want to improve their digestion and boost their immunity will benefit from taking a probiotics supplement.
  • Those who have just had surgery, have issues with their immune system, are critically ill, or are pregnant or nursing should avoid probiotic administration.
  • You can either take it in supplement form or incorporate probiotic foods into your diet, such as yogurt, kefir, kombucha, tempeh, and more.


  1. What Are Probiotics? Probiotic Supplements, Foods, Uses, Benefits, and Safety 
  2. Probiotics: What is it, Benefits, Side Effects, Food & Types 
  3. How Your Gut Health Affects Your Whole Body 
  4. Stress, depression, diet, and the gut microbiota: human–bacteria interactions at the core of psychoneuroimmunology and nutrition - PMC
  5. Probiotics: What You Need To Know | NCCIH 
  6. Probiotics: Supplements for Digestive Health 
  7. How To Pick the Best Probiotic – Cleveland Clinic 
  8. Are There Health Benefits of Probiotics for Children? 
  9. Risks and Benefits of Probiotics
  10. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Probiotics-HealthProfessional/ 
  11. Health Benefits of Heat-Killed (Tyndallized) Probiotics: An Overview - PMC
  12. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth: Comprehensive Review of Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment Methods - PMC

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